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What Pebbles Got Right

by Amber Yoder

Short, fun, recurring content doesn’t need to (and probably shouldn’t) be a hard sell to give your brand a lift. And it doesn’t need to break the bank either. Case in point: Pebbles Cereal.

Recently, the brand started working with artists, musicians, magicians, and a whole variety of entertainers to create a fun new content series just for kids. The show, called the Daily Yabba Dabba Doo, hits all the right marks to make it a really special content play.

It’s short – The format is easy and enjoyable to watch.

It’s fun – Experts teach kids breakdance moves and magic tricks, or tell stories or jokes.

It’s fitting – It makes so much sense for a children’s cereal to be making content for kids.

And the brilliance of the series is that it’s not just about selling the product, it’s about serving and entertaining customers (and their parents!).

A focus on serving the customer, rather than simply selling to them, can go a long way as an approach for brand marketing. Things like brand sentiment and loyalty are buoyed by content like this – even if the content doesn’t make a hard sell of the product itself.

A savvy content series doesn’t need to spend your budget for the whole year. Pebbles put out a public call to grown-up makers, artists, and entertainers, offering a fair-yet-modest rate to anyone who could create fun content for their show. This wide open approach has given the show flexibility in format and content.

If you’re interested in doing something similar for your own brand communications, be sure to check out our guides on how to find and work with artists.

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